Scales of Eternity
are told we live in a universe that is running down, that the time of
light and complexity will inevitably end. But that has always been
true and perhaps always will be, from the earliest times until the
stars are a just brief afterglow of the Big Bang.
the start, no clocks were possible, but our imaginary clock ticks
every 10-44 seconds
is a time of heat and light, the universe is full of rich activity.
Time is strange, before and after intermingled. Then, a clock could
tick and time's direction settles. Waves of space and time echo back
and forth, particles of all sizes appear, disappear and collide,
there is one force binding matter and energy into a unity. Cooling
starts, the forces start to separate and then: explosion of space,
faster and faster it goes, driven by the separation energy, on and on
it goes, the negative gravity stretching space far faster than light,
doubling and re-doubling each volume over and over again. After a
long, long time, the explosion stops. The last quantum ripples
remain, and the energy of the slowing inflation fills everywhere with
hot particles. It's cold: not the slightest fraction of the starting
heat. Things are slow, the universe is running down. Only a few
particles are made now, and they drift slowly across space,
occasionally meeting their opposites and annihilating. Space is
almost empty.
tick time is from a millionth of a second to a second. There is such
heat: this is the time of plasmas, the first of quarks and the
force-carrier gluons. The universe is a hot sea of 'colours',
strangeness, charm, top, bottom, up, down, the quantum labels of the
quarks and their forces. Exponentially, things cool as the universe
slowly expands, until the photon types split: light with no mass
carries electromagnetic waves without limit. Light with mass has
limited time to move and carries the weakest force, felt by
neutrinos. Growing and cooling, the first plasma clears as the quarks
condense like drops in a mist into protons and neutons, the baryons.
Large are the baryons, barely there, a triplet of quarks held by the
strong force, which strangely weakens at close range, but look
closely at a quark – it may be a string, a vibrating strand.
Imagine that strand as a metre in length... how big is a proton? It's
a galaxy.
Clock ticks slow from seconds to millennia
we see the elements start to form, protons and neutrons pulled
together by the residue of the force between quarks. Time passes,
years, decades, centuries, hundreds of thousands of years. Electrons
condense into orbits around the baryon clusters. The second plasma
clears and atoms form. Gases condense, settling into stars, galaxies,
clusters of galaxies. For a very brief time the stars burn, explode,
condense, burn, explode, condense. On a rock around one star
complexity is fueled by the light and life as we know it appears. One
species spreads to space. The cycle of the suns is done. The star
dwarves give off a red glow for a trillion years, and the galaxies
spin like chains of rubies. Then darkness.
Clock ticks slow from a billion years to a trillion years and beyond
black holes spin. Perhaps civilizations farm black holes for fuel, the
twisting space around them providing energy beyond imagining. The sky
is filled with quasars, beaming energy across the light-millennia.
This could be the true era of life, not the brief flicker of the
fusing stars. Trillions of trillions of years.
the black holes decay. There is nothing left. Dark and cold re-scaled
by powers of powers of ten. There is nothing but the vacuum,
everywhere and forever. Except... in orbits tens of billions of light
years wide, electrons circle positrons, forming positronium.
ticks become too long to imagine
atoms dance across the universe, forming - what? At each scale there
is furious activity, both chaos and order. As these fade to nearly
nothing, a change of perspective takes us back to a reality of action
and energy. Will the universe ever really run down to nothing?
Perhaps not, when time seems close to eternal at each scale there is
always more, and who knows what there might be when the universe is
experienced on a scale so long that the time of black holes is to
that time what a Planck tick is to ours?
universe is falling apart - we are made of the cold ashes of an
earlier furnace - but as it falls, there is much that can happen,
there are new wonders. We are creatures of fragile complexity in a
world that is always on the edge of nothingness.
Beautiful. This should have a musical score to go with it - as I read it I could almost hear music. It certainly deserves to win the Guardian contest.
Try this.
No objections if I translate this into Dutch for our podcast 'Kritisch Denken'? With all credits of course.
Very knowledgeable and evocative writing. Well done!
Rik - no objection.
I now understand why Richard Dawkins follows you.....
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