Tuesday, 16 September 2014

An apology to Richard and Sam

On twitter, I said I completely agreed with an article written by Dan Arel on New Atheism.

That was a mistake.  As so often I had read the article too quickly and had not taken in the full impact of what Dan had said in several places.

I don't agree with the attacks on Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris in that article.  What I do agree with is the theme of the possible redundancy of the term "new atheist", along with the fair point that many of those who are "new atheists" at least sometimes speak for themselves, and not as part of any coherent group.  (This is a good thing because we certainly don't need "new atheist doctrines").

So, I apologise to Richard and Sam for my lack of care, and for giving the impression that I agree with the criticisms.


Anonymous said...

Any chance of a link to the Dan Arel article?

DZ said...

I 2nd that.
Is the article on alternet?

Steve Zara said...

Sorry for not including the link. Here it is: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/danthropology/2014/09/is-new-atheism-dead-and-is-it-even-a-term-worth-saving/?utm_content=buffer89195&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer